Thursday, November 21, 2013

Caterham 7 Day 1

I started the Caterham model by doing the basic block in. Everything will be blocked in first then refined after.

Blueprint Layout

Side view
Basic block-in

Monday, November 18, 2013

Start of Caterham 7

A  R300
I've always liked the look of open top racing cars. Cars like these remind me of something a fighter pilot would drive. Caterham's cars have that same dogfighter spirit about them. So for my final project in my intro to Maya class I'll be modeling a Caterham 7. Now there are a variety of models, but they generally hold the same basic form. Later Ill decide what sub model to make.

Nice view of the instrument panel
Blue print Ill be working from

Because of their kit car nature it's very easy to find images like these